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Let’s workout

Dance and shout

Stretch and lift

Our body is a gift

So, make it sweat

Drench and wet

Releasing muscles

In London or Brussels

Jogging on the spot

Feeling so hot

Squats and push ups

Balancing like still cups

Running and star jumps

The heart just pumps

So do what you enjoy

Because workout is joy!


◄ Complete Stranger

Naughty Mood ►


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Martin Elder

Wed 19th Jun 2024 10:43

I love the pace and amusing message of this poem. It also reminds me that I should get back on my bike again before my muscles and bones totally cease up, but like Keith I have to be aware that I don't end up with another heart attack.
great poem thanks

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 18th Jun 2024 18:43

Hard exercise when young supplies the basis for more reliable health in later years. Beginning any routine requires the sense
to allow the body to adjust to the demands placed upon it,
thereby allowing beneficial progress in endurance and strength
over time. The body will repay proper care but bear in mind that
it will also resort to reverting to the path of least resistance so
be prepared for the results that lay-offs can see happening. In
later years, moderation is sensible. 💪

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keith jeffries

Tue 18th Jun 2024 14:41

I read this poem with pangs of envy. Should I follow this energetic routine I would probably suffer a coronary. Yet, it was a poem filled with the joy of life. Dare I say a very healthy poem.
Thanks for this,

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Tue 18th Jun 2024 13:10

This old lady (moi) likes this poem and is inspired to at least stretch like a cat and take a lovely walk. Good writing Aisha! Nice rhyming, rhythmic pacing. A celebration of the body of youth moving in healthy joy.

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