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Hebridean Graves


A Sea Loch Graveyard walled and gated

hues of purple peated earth,

the stones stand stoic, weather dated,

washed up from their briny birth.


Some names unknown "A Sailor" lies,

in silence resting side by side.

Adrift they came from distant skies

as tears that fell, though never cried.


On other shores long lives lived out

to wonder at what might have been,

had warships steered their hulls about

and left these barren hills unseen.


And here they stay to linger long

their bones and dust remembered well,

though this is not where they belong

they are embraced as those who fell.


Audio and Video attached at link below





◄ Omens and Homage (Ignorance, Manipulation, Control, Domination)

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David RL Moore

Thu 20th Jun 2024 10:10

Thanks for passing by and giving comment John, always appreciated.

That "as tears that fell, though never cried" is open to interpretation.

I was attempting to reference the fact that so many of those who died were unknown, although they fell they were never mourned in the traditional manner in which family and loved ones mourn their loss...tears never fell on their physical graves.

On many occasions the dead were not even identified, merely buried as "A Sailor"

Extremely sad, yet these places are strangely peaceful and moving in their way.

Thanks again John, and to the likers.


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John Coopey

Thu 20th Jun 2024 08:42

Touching and informative, David, as well as excellent poetry. I love “as tears that fell but never cried” (though I don’t know why!)

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David RL Moore

Thu 20th Jun 2024 05:48

Thank you Martin,

And to those who sent likes.


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Martin Elder

Wed 19th Jun 2024 10:15

I love not only the words and description her but also the rhyme and meter of this piece.
Good stuff David

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David RL Moore

Wed 19th Jun 2024 09:34

Thanks for the like and comment RG,

There is a British Wargraves site in the middle of West Beirut that was cared for by locals throughout their long experience of troubles in years gone.

Also a huge one in East Jerusalem stacked with our war dead tended by is something reciprocated in often the most unexpected places.

Thanks again.


Audio and Video attached at link below

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Reggie's Ghost

Tue 18th Jun 2024 17:54

And not just sailors. You find similar 'unknowns' in European graveyards from various conflicts over the past couple of centuries.

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David RL Moore

Tue 18th Jun 2024 15:49

These sites are dotted over a few of the Hebridean Islands and some parts of the more Westerly Scottish Mainland.

There were unknown Sailors washed ashore who were never identified during the WW2 Atlantic Convoys campaign which kept these Isles alive. There are some unidentified German Sailors also.

Not to mention hundreds of civilian Fisherman and Sailors lost at Sea around the Western Isles and Outer Hebrides.

The sites are often remote, bleak and beautiful in their peaceful stillness.

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