The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Winded prayer September 13,1998

Want, need, will and must write
For if I don't I'll get ill
So speak I do and will what's not
for so it's brought
into being
Allow me to honor thee
O Great Mother of mine
Forgive my neglect
Tune me into Your Wisdom
embrace me in Your bosom
lock me in Your heart
Allow me to practice
what your Your Son came to teach
Embrace, and face the other cheek
Refrain from judging and comprehend
O what pain and sorrow
Teach me to forgive and forget
Release me of these bonds so vile
Help me to bear and heal
The errors of neglect
Allow me to honor and grace
Your body Divine
with pride and dignity
expand in Your selves
and spread a dream
of balance and bliss
of all that is One
in All That Is.

◄ Peonies

Awareness Secret ►


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Thu 20th Jun 2024 17:17

Absolutely wonderful poem, Patricia. So glad your writing is seeing the light of day! Yes, WOL is a vibrant collection of eager poets & readers.

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Patricia Ziel

Thu 20th Jun 2024 09:56

Thank you Keith. I have been sitting on all my writings without an outlet. Now I am so thankful for this community where I can share and also partake in the beautiful observations and expressions of other writers. I am a firm believer that we are all co-creating our reality. Writers are the original influencers 😉. For the written word has often manifested (Verne, Asimov, Huxley, Orwell). Humans need a new story; I believe it needs to be one to Awaken!

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keith jeffries

Thu 20th Jun 2024 09:38

As a person of Faith I immediately caught onto this prayer of supplication. Written with intensity and devotion. May I also echo these words.
Thank you for this,

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