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I am a son of the heavens. 

I do not fall,

I can only fly.

The way the wind whispers

determines my path.

It has never once led me astray.

A gentle breeze ruffles my feathers,

while the sun's bright smile warms my face.

Clouds dance above my weightless form,

forming all kinds of shapes to entertain.

The world turns as do I.

Leaping carelessly through the endless sky.

My Father bestows upon me a gentle smile

and power surges through my bones.


I am powerless now.

My bones heavy with sorrow,

my heart a weighty anchor.

My feathers, too, drag my body down,

as the clouds attack me, their faces dark and heavy.

The sun shields its face from this tragedy 

and the wind delivers blow after blow,

as my Father holds his hands outstretched above me.

‘Catch me’, I scream,

reaching out towards Him.

But He's above and I am flying.

But He's above and He's watching.

His hands outstretched, yet not reaching.

And with sudden clarity I know.

I know I'm falling now.

My home spins away from me 

and the earth surges forward.

I was a son of the heavens,

who has now been made skybound.

For just a moment,

until the sky, too, casts me out and

spits me out onto the hard concrete

or whatever may lie below.

I do not fly,

I can only fall.




◄ Claws of Love, Kiss of Death

Entwined ►


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