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The photograph

entry picture

Linked arms, looking into the future,
my daughters, in jim-jams,
bought from Sunday markets,
off the Thame Road,
their beautiful young faces
picture a world
imbued with all the scattered sadnesses of time,
so rhymes this over-flowing mind of mine.

Looking, seeing,
you, as you never can be again,
with all the holy blemishes of youth
leaves me here bereft,
floundering between  sky and sea,
stuck on the saddest shore of wave and tide:
salty, with the ever-present tang of regret.


◄ The closing of the day



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Stephen Gospage

Mon 24th Jun 2024 21:27

Wonderful, John. A snapshot, with all that that entails.

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John Marks

Mon 24th Jun 2024 18:03

Thank you Tom, Tim & Keith. Also thanks are due to Aisha, Holden & Patricia.

That is why we dread children, even if we love them. They show us the state of our decay.

Brian Aldiss

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Mon 24th Jun 2024 11:05

This is beautiful John

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Tim Higbee

Sun 23rd Jun 2024 23:57

It certainly makes us feel the past joys of the image that is frozen in time and the sad reality that time will never return for that moment. Thank you, John,

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keith jeffries

Sun 23rd Jun 2024 15:51

nostalgia plays such an important part in life yet often overlooked. This poem with the photo of the girls is an invitation for us to revisit the past and take stock of where we are in life.
Thank you for this,

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