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Flowers prayers


none can now

raise him from the grave

or pay him

fair recompense

for the life he gave

no bugles rousing call

can reawaken him

no enemys bullet that killed him

can return to its gun

no voice of protestation however loud

can stop a war before it has begun

impossible to tip the balance

in favour of his return

O! where is the school of democratic solutions

surely there are ancient lessons enough there

for everyone to learn?

or will there be a continuance

of futile peace talks to cruelly give the masses

hollow hope

while the warmongers concoct another excuse

for pushing the world

down yet one more blood soaked slope 




◄ Haiku; Resin trap

Thoughts your name inspires ►


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leon stolgard

Fri 28th Jun 2024 16:57

I totally agree Mr. Gospage-what other choce do we have? Thank you-and thank you R.A. Porter-Holden-Larisa-Aisha-Stephen A-Tom-very much indeed!

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 28th Jun 2024 10:54

I like the way that you move from the specific to the general, Leon, almost seamlessly.
It may be a hollow hope, but at least there is hope for peace. We have to cling to that.

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