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Who I Admire

I admire cats and dogs,

cats stretch and purr,

dogs turn in little circles

and then plop themselves down.

I admire birds and fish,

birds sing like orchestras and hop around in the weeds,

fish just float and keep deeply quiet.

Sometimes I wanna be a cat and stretch my muscles,

or a dog and plop myself down, 

or a bird and soar far far away,

or a fish and just shut up.

But, alas, I am a human dreaming of the animal kingdom,

so I might as well make the best of it

and write another poem.


◄ In the Stars


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Stephen Gospage

Mon 1st Jul 2024 16:42

It was a good idea, Hélène! I've just read that Winston Churchill, at a particularly bleak moment in WW2, turned to one of his aides and said 'I would like to be a cat'.

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leon stolgard

Mon 1st Jul 2024 11:02

Being an avid lover of all animals Helene this lovely poem has my approval-thank you

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