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Holding On

Every generation dreams

of a flowering,

a burst of growth

through which peace and harmony descends

in a glorious tidal wave of change.

But, alas, life goes on in its weary pattern of separation and division,

anger and fear, among the scattered peoples of the world.

But still... every generation holds fast to the dream...

this time, this time...

change is a comin',

this time the poles are shifting,

this time...

the age of peace and harmony is descending,

this time...


...a star-sparkling, brilliant

cascade of joy

for all the peoples of the world, 

for each and every one of us.



◄ Who I Admire

Wondrous Panorama ►


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Tim Higbee

Fri 5th Jul 2024 13:29

Hope is a powerful thing. While we wait for the unknown hour, we must keep it alive.
I like how you keep the lamp burning.

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Fri 5th Jul 2024 11:47

Thanks Leon for the encouraging comment. Yes, writing poetry helps me keep putting one foot in front of the other. So glad to have this community of poets to share with!

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leon stolgard

Thu 4th Jul 2024 19:06

Whenever I need a ' hope fix ' Helene I always look for your poems=thank you

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