The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Winds of Change


In youth I enjoyed floating in the sea of humanity

Blindly diving in and exploring its mysterious deep

I saw the writing on the wall, its meaning lost to obscurity

There were things there in its darkness that made me weep

But still I pursued its golden ring throwing caution to the wind

My candle burned from both ends racing to enlighten the way

Ruled by impulsivity my careless actions I cannot defend

But as time will do it turned the tides, put its power on display

The undulating sea of humanity swelled to a tempest fury

Battered about in tumultuous winds of change, I sought asylum

Withdrawn now from the sea behind castle walls built of worry

Content to stay upon the shore quietly sipping the pirate’s rum


◄ The Foolish Poet

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Tim Higbee

Fri 5th Jul 2024 13:51

Thank you for your comments, Manish and David.
Thank you, Leon, Helene and Tom for your likes.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Thu 4th Jul 2024 04:47

"There were things there in its darkness that made me weep
But still I pursued its golden ring throwing caution to the wind," are the lines that I resonated with, blindly diving into things is something that I often used to do.
Thank you for this, Tim.
Another gem! 💎

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David RL Moore

Wed 3rd Jul 2024 14:03

This sounds like a fine and worthy retreat Tim.

The storm builds to a cressendo after which only the calmness of its eye has a say on where it cast's you.

Either to the wild winds, or as in your case the safety found behind walls which you can choose to build with whatever debris you have retained from the storm that made you.

Great idea and imagery.


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