The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Little Scraps of Paper


Scattered here upon my desktop

Are all these little scraps of paper

It must be a habit I apparently can’t stop

For there is an abundance, that’s for sure

They seem to have a language of their own

A staccato union of a couple words or more

I look at them and release a befuddled moan

What was the purpose of this little scrap I tore

I see the word starlight and ponder at its purpose

And another one whispered a secret into the fog

These Little scraps of paper with things to discuss

That are perhaps an observation or an encrypted log

I try to piece them together thinking they may somehow fit

But try as I may, they won’t mush together to make any sense

I’ve gathered them all into one large pile and I’m about to quit

When suddenly there’s a vision as if it’s to be my recompense

Words by themselves or a clustered few on paper ripped or torn

Little ragged canvases with images painted on them in letter form

A snapshot of an elusive thought captured and scribbled without scorn

Little scraps of paper like stages with tiny acters that are waiting to perform

Waiting to burst into action in an attempt to portray the sentiment of a thought

To convey some elusive significance that was quickly splashed upon the paper

And now I am to look at them and decipher the image that these few letters have caught

My mind has misjudged my ability to resurrect the ghost of such a fleeting allure

To reanimate the creations that had been laid down upon these little scraps

To bring to life that glowing ember that once existed in the flame of creativity

So, I will look again at what they say and who knows, perhaps

I will discover their very essence and finally set them free


◄ Winds of Change

Love’s Power ►


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New Shoes

Tue 9th Jul 2024 03:31

I identify with this poem all too well. A seed captured from the universe, when thoughts travel faster than the hand, and the sanctity mustn't be disrupted with focus. It's definitely a art that with practice, becomes a gift 🎁.
Thanks Tim!

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sun 7th Jul 2024 07:52

Firstly, I liked the idea of this poem and the fact that you chose to format the words into a smaller size compared to your previous poems perhaps to connect it with the the title and content of the poem, which I think is very minutely creative. I remember how I initially used to write poems on paper and throw them off if I didn't like them, only to regret later that a line or two from it could have been used in another poem or so, now I maintain a book thankfully. I loved this poem and the way it ended.
Amazing, Tim!

leon stolgard

Sat 6th Jul 2024 16:37

Personally-I prefer to leave notes about the house that remind me where to look for the notes I need reminding about-its all so easy isn't it... erm....lets see what this note says..ah yes-Tim! 😂

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Tim Higbee

Sat 6th Jul 2024 13:30

I fear it may be buried under all those little scraps of notes.

leon stolgard

Fri 5th Jul 2024 19:39

You need to find that thinking cap Tim-asap! 👍

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