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God is not an audience

Clocks ticking, time passing, moments, lost, chaos setting in, sadness washing over at the thoughts of disappointment. The guilt sets in as the days pass without dreaming and peace.

There’s a palpable grip on your chest of the feeling of opportunity, lost, and a future not seen. On top of your shoulders, the weight of the world, or at least the last season.


Fear, relentlessly creeps in, and you run or hide in the place you think safe – the place you remember.


The drive is unforgiving to get back to what’s familiar – to what you can count on to feel SAFE. 


Finally, when you can breathe again-in an out-the dust settles and you’re faced with YOURSELF.


Realizing that that’s the last person you want to face. Realizing that once again, you’re running toward what you know. 


Approval is finally gained and once again, you feel applauded enough for the next scene – the act called “Life”, scene 7,777.


You lie to yourself that you don’t need this approval or that you don’t care what anyone thinks while inside you’re putting out fires and longings and the blaring desire to be known.


Again, you face yourself and reel. Is it just me or does it seem like the next life challenge is just waiting to prove that when all those people say they think you’re strong we’re just really checking off another to do list to add to the pile?



◄ Beautiful Chaos

Dust ►


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