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What’s left when the dust settles?

When the pieces are in place?

When you realize them apples?

When the missing piece fits?

When the time is now?

When you’ve found the way?

When you’ve met the one?

When the prayer is answered?

When all, is well?

And the night is quiet, the peace sets in deep, and the flow of sounds fills your spirit?


Thump, thump, thump, -you hear your heart.  Thankful for all the hard work it does day in and out. 

You thank your body for the life that it takes in. 

You hug your chest, for all the breath that keeps living. 

You caress your hair, tingling your nerves to say thanks for all the storms they’ve weathered. 

You rub your face and blink, looking deep into the windows of your soul. 

Is there a way to thank all the parts of ourselves….the parts that keep us going, without shutting out the people who love us most?


Can we let the feelings pass through, long enough to keep our hearts open?

Can we pause long enough to appreciate what we have?

Can we share what’s weighing us down?

Can we allow ourselves to take a day? A moment? A breath?


If whatever keeps us from these things lingers, can we befriend it?

If whatever holds us in a bind is out of our control, can we learn to repurpose our energy?

If the stuff weighing us down can’t be taken off, can we broaden our perspective?

If the pressures we feel won’t let up, can we learn to laugh at our mistakes?


If life is a gift, can we receive it?

If breath is gift, can we give it?

If death is an end, can we begin to live?

If materialism is an escape can we embrace what’s in front of us?

If community is a need, can we learn to share?



◄ God is not an audience

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