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Have you ever stopped to ask why do I run

Ironically its only when you stop the mind runs wild

We run to be fit

We run to be social

We run to be healthy

But is it always healthy to run

I run for a different life I cannot have

I run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

My love runs Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

I started so I could support her

To let her know I was with her every step of the way

Now I run to live in a moment of bliss with her

For I hear her voice now supporting me

I am allowed to feel close again

But only inside the walls of my mind

The pysical pain drowns that of the emotional

Yes for its only while I run 

Her words carrying me through the pain

I still pound the ground week after week

In sickness and in health

As with every stride in rhythm 

Bringing my heart back to life

So I continue to run on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

Hoping one day I won’t be running alone

But how long can I run before my heart gives out



◄ Three dots

Allow yourself to heal ►


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