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Allow yourself to heal

You talk about the past as it defines you
I hope one day you look past the pain and trama
For there is a gift inside you
For the world to see
Your kind and caring personality

You are not a prisoner of your past
Your prison cell has always been open
It time for you to walk on through
And let the world in and all it has to offers you

Nothing is ever broken or beyond repair
It takes time and commitment but you’ll get there
You are stronger than you could ever know
All I want for you is to see you grow

You deserve to be happy and not just the ending
Your story has only just begun
With so much untold
Scribe that future you have only ever dreamed

Though pain and sorrow have flooded in
You have to allow yourself forgiveness
I have been blessed to see the real you
And I know it to be true, as I have been to specsavers

Is it the end, I do not know
You deserve so much
Believe in yourself like I always have
For I will always be there for you


Lovelosspain  romance  heartbreak  sadnessforgivenesshealing

◄ Running


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