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Day 20



what does it take to 
actually attain it?


not just what peace is 
on the surface,
but the pure form.


where worry,
and anxiety doesnt live


a place more like
a sunflower field would be nice.
filled with the tallest,
most bright yellow 
confident auras.


unrealistic to the mind that 
it exists,
but it does.


that moment of the day
where the sun and the 
cool breeze intertwine 
and create that feel
good moment.





i feel peace when i read.
i enter into a realm where
i can be stuck for hours.

that was my peace.
and still is, 
ill be
headed to the bookstore

i know it will be difficult
to experience peace
in its purest form,
but im willing to see how
long it takes me.


◄ Day 19

Day 21 ►


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Tue 16th Jul 2024 12:32

I so enjoy reading your poems, Sunflower. To me, they are like little snippets of philosophy, intertwined with a personal journey of growth. Wonderful!

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