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Small Things

The cat,now fifteen years old. Lizzie

Sqeaks at me to follow her. She walks

Slowly towards her feeding tray. She

Sqeaks at me again, infront of her

Water bowl. She looks at me with

Open, wide eyes . I think she wants me

To change her water for some fresh.

I do so .She laps up the water, wiping

Her face.A connection made between 

Myself and another species Small things.


A thirteen month old toddler is learning 

To walk.He says ," Da ,da ". to me.I say

It back.He smiles, he grins.He walks 

Very slowly supported by my hands. I

Return him to his mother. I say," Da,da".

This time, his face beams bright. The

Nascent communication between one

Human being and another.Small things.





◄ What I know now.

Breakfast from a Child's perspective. ►


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M.C. Newberry

Tue 16th Jul 2024 17:16

Emphasising the importance of "making the effort". A lesson for
us all and gratifying in its promise of the rewards.

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