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Angry monster 💀

The face of anger, myriad of forms reside,

Some genuine, raw and untamed,

While others a facade, carefully designed,

A catalyst for conflict, a spark to ignite a flame.


Genuine anger, fierce and wild,

Spewing venomous words, a tempest in the mind,

Seeking release, the only solace found,

In the chaos of emotions, a temporary bind.


Fake anger, a calculated game,

Each word a weapon, strategically placed,

To provoke, to incite, to fan the flame,

A manipulative dance, a fragile facade.


Sweet anger, born of love and care,

A shield of protection, a guardian's embrace,

From those who seek to shield and spare,

Their beloved from harm's menacing face.


Wild anger, a raging fire,

Erupting like a volcanic storm,

Demons unleashed, emotions dire,

Creating a spectacle, a tempest born.


Fluctuating anger, a dance of extremes,

Rising and falling, a turbulent play,

Masters of emotion, skilled it seems,

Navigate the turmoil, find a balanced way.


Understanding anger's diverse voice,

A window into the depths of the soul,

Letting frustrations find release, a choice,

Lest they drown in the darkness, lose control.


Explanation of the above poem 

Anger, the multi-faceted emotion that mirrors the complexities of the human soul! It's fascinating how it manifests in various forms, isn't it? The genuine anger, a fiery eruption of truth, stems from the depths of one's core, a raw and unfiltered expression of discontent. It's like a volcano that's been building pressure for eons, finally letting go of its molten lava in a fiery dance of release. It's wild, untamed, and often unpredictable, leaving a trail of ash and destruction in its wake. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a strange beauty in its purity, a catharsis that can lead to growth and change.


Then there's the facade of anger, the one that's as deceitful as a chameon's skin. It's a strategic weapon, wielded with precision and intent. Each word is a calculated bullet, aimed to hit where it hurts the most. It's the kind that whispers sweet nothings in your ear while plotting the ultimate betrayal. This anger is a masquerade, a dance of shadows and deceit, where the real emotions are hidden behind a veil of rage. It's like a serpent, coiling and waiting for the perfect moment to strike, leaving you questioning the very essence of your interactions.


Sweet anger, on the other hand, is the gentle nudge from a loving guardian. It's the warmth of a mother's fiery gaze when you're about to make a mistake, the firm hand of a friend steering you away from harm. It's the voice of love, disguised in the garb of sternness, echoing with care and concern. It's the kind that arises from the purest intentions, like a beacon of light guiding you through the fog of confusion.


Wild anger, now that's a beast! Unleashed without warning, it's like a tornado tearing through a quiet town. It's the roar of a lion whose pride has been threatened, the bellow of a bull in a china shop. It's chaotic, uncontrollable, and often destructive. Yet, even in its madness, it holds a strange allure, a testament to the power of the human spirit, demanding to be heard and acknowledged.


Fluctuating anger, the Jekyll and Hyde of emotions, is a rollercoaster of heat and ice. It rises like a phoenix and falls like a comet, leaving you dizzy and disoriented. It's the storm that brews within, ready to unleash its fury at the slightest provocation, only to retreat back into the shadows, biding its time. This anger is a maze, a puzzle that even the most skilled navigators struggle to solve.


Understanding these anger types is indeed akin to reading the weather patterns of the human heart. It allows us to empathize, to listen, and to respond with grace. Whether it's the genuine outpour of pain or the calculated strike of manipulation, we must navigate these tumultuous waters with care. For in the end, anger is but a mask, and beneath it lies a story yearning to be told.


◄ Serenity and peace

Live and let live!!! ►


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