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Live and let live!!!

Life unfolds once, a tapestry of moments

From the first cry to the final breath taken,

We navigate the realm of existence,

Counting each heartbeat, every fleeting second.


Do we drift along destined paths,

Or shape our fate with choices made?

A dance of effort, chance, and destiny intertwine,

As we toil, worship, love, and play.


Gratitude whispered to Allah, the giver of breath,

A sick soul cherishes health's elusive embrace,

A roofless wanderer finds solace in a single room,

The hungry savor a morsel, a feast in scarcity's face.


An orphan finds kinship in the vast world's embrace,

A lonely heart treasures a smile's fleeting warmth,

For the blind, a colorful world blooms in darkness,

Imperfections woven into life's intricate art.


In joys and sorrows, blessings and trials,

We navigate the labyrinth of existence,

A test of faith in the unseen hand that guides,

Life's journey a tapestry of thorns and roses.


To live and let live, the sage's creed,

While fools chase shadows of fleeting worth,

True success veiled in struggles and failures,

A journey adorned with love's radiant hues.


The heart, a vessel of love's intoxicating essence,

A symphony of giving and receiving in kind,

In the chosen one's embrace, love's bloom unfurls,

A sacred bond, a treasure beyond compare.


Memories, like pieces of a puzzle, we gather,

Locking precious gems in the vault of our souls,

We reminisce on moments sweet and dear,

A tapestry of love and laughter we hold near.


Grateful to Allah for blessings untold,

Desires whispered to the divine ear known,

Eternal bliss, a path paved with grace,

In the heart's deepest core, love's presence abounds.


Explanation of the above poem

Indeed, life is a tapestry woven with the threads of moments, both bright and stark, that shape our very essence. From the tender whispers of a newborn's cry to the solemn silence of a life coming to an end, each instant holds a unique beauty and poignancy. The relentless ticking of the clock, a metronome to the symphony of existence, reminds us that time, much like the sand in an hourglass, slips through our fingers, leaving us with nothing but the imprints of moments passed.


The interplay of destiny and choice is a dance as old as time itself, a delicate ballet that unfolds with every breath we take and every step we make. It is through this dance that we carve our path, each movement a brushstroke on the canvas of fate, painting a picture that is at once both predetermined and a masterpiece of our own making.


We are all pilgrims on a journey, each with a rucksack filled with experiences. Some moments are as sweet as the nectar of a blooming flower, while others prick us like the thorns that hide beneath the beauty. Yet, it is the mosaic of these moments that gives life its vibrant hue and profound depth.


To the sick, health is indeed a treasure beyond measure, a crown that adorns the weary brow. The homeless dream of a sanctuary, a single room to call their own, a place where their hearts can rest. The hungry savor every crumb with the fervor of a king feasting on a banquet. And the orphan, oh the orphan, finds kinship in the warm embrace of the world that is both her stage and her family.


The blind, though deprived of sight, see the world in a spectrum of feelings and emotions, where the scent of a rose is a color, and the warmth of the sun is a masterpiece painted by an unseen hand. Love, that universal language, transcends all barriers, speaking directly to the soul, creating a bond as strong as the fibers that hold the universe together.


To live is to embrace the imperfection, to find solace in the knowledge that we are but a fleeting breeze in the vast expanse of time. The wise man's philosophy echoes through the ages, a gentle reminder to cherish the essence of existence and to let others do the same. For in the grand scheme of things, it is not the applause of the crowd that truly matters, but the warmth of a single heart that resonates with our own.


And so, we tread lightly on this earth, planting seeds of love and kindness wherever we go. Our hearts become gardens of gratitude, blossoming with the love we give and receive. Each memory, a petal in this garden, unfurls to reveal the beauty of shared moments, a testament to the love that has graced our lives.


Indebted to Allah for every beat of our hearts and every whisper of the wind that carries our prayers, we march forward, hand in hand with destiny. Our souls yearn for the divine embrace, and with each act of goodwill, we inch closer to that eternal peace. The sweetness of love, the warmth of companionship, the comfort of faith – these are the jewels that adorn the necklace of life, a necklace that shines with the light of the Creator.


Let us then, live and let live, creating a world where every heart finds its place in the grand tapestry of existence. For it is in the sharing of love and the creation of memories that we truly find ourselves and the purpose of our fleeting sojourn in this world. And as we continue to weave our life's story, let us remember to thank Allah for every thread, for it is He who gives us the strength to weave and the wisdom to appreciate the intricate design.


◄ Angry monster 💀

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