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Remembering You

Silently, I walk, wringing anxious hands,

Crossing acres of once familiar land.

Fast-flowing memories of what was then,

that'll forever stay as my former when.


Mainly unminded though unforgotten,

Desires driven that were once begotten.

An age of optimism and attainment,

Where possible dreams feared not containment.


My future holds with little certainty,

My present speeds on discourteously.

Captivated by what was once my past,

When life, much simpler, had reason to last.


looking back over the shoulder of life

positiveness and hopefulness were rife.

So, what went wrong? What happened to my spark?

My past light extinguished my future dark.


I had it all. You were there in my heart.

But love wouldn't last. Sadly, we fell apart.

We said our goodbyes with one final kiss.

Future lost. I now only reminisce.


◄ Memento Mori

New World Sonnet ►


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