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Aim for a life of simple security,

One that is based in easeful purity.

Avoid the traps of poverty and wealth,

Both injurious to the health.

Beware of property or its envied lack,

Both may break the bearer's back.

For property only complicates life,

Adding to its woe and strife.

Happy the soul who owns the least

Enjoying most at life's long feast.

If you have enough for comfort,

Having more invites discomfort;

Treat your stomach to plain fare

And it will repay your thoughtful care.

Settle for enough, make that your rule,

Enough's your fortune unless you're a fool!









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M.C. Newberry

Sun 28th Jul 2024 17:26

Plus- to HM, AS, SG and Hugh...thank you for taking the trouble
to like this contribution. Appreciated.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 26th Jul 2024 16:01

Thanks Helene - the inspiration came from Robert Service's
book "Why Not Grow Young" (first pub, 1928), which still bears
worthwhile attention nearly a century later.

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Thu 25th Jul 2024 13:10

Well said, M.C.!

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