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A gracious, shrewd commander,

He was one of America’s best.

His courage and his honesty

Raised him up above the rest.


Now is the time to pass the torch

To a sharper generation,

To keep alive his legacy

And take forward a great nation.


For spiteful, ugly ideas tread

Upon Washington’s hallowed ground.

The politics of angry lies

Risks engulfing all around.


A woman’s choice, aid for Ukraine,

The climate crisis and the poor,

Will die a death if we don’t stop

The wolf who’s lurking at the door.


◄ Gunman

Appeasement ►


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Stephen Gospage

Sat 27th Jul 2024 08:22

Well, that's cheered me up, MC. Have a nice day.
And thanks to Aisha and Steve for your support.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 26th Jul 2024 15:54

Believe what suits you. But don't assume the moral high ground
from those you disagree with and use words that are clearly
intended to place them "beyond the pale". That way lies

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 25th Jul 2024 18:43

Thank you, Hélène. I think that anyone who believes in the values such as tolerance, diversity, democracy, women's rights, climate justice and and standing up to bullies will be praying for a Kamala Harris victory, although whatever the outcome Trump will probably claim he won and try to stir up trouble.

Go Kamala!, as you say.

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Thu 25th Jul 2024 12:40

I am so grateful to both Biden and Harris. Go Kamala! Here's an interesting, fun opinion news article about her.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 24th Jul 2024 16:51

Time will tell, indeed. I am less inclined to take the MSM view
on Trump, recalling how it was unrelenting before, during and after his time as POTUS. The connection between the political
status quo and the media who see themselves as confidants
wielding Citizen Kane power and influence is to be regarded
with appropriate suspicion. It is largely through their ongoing
adverse reporting on Trump that many form their own views,
for better or worse. A little scepticism of the content and the
agenda would not go amiss in the cause of cool assessment
of what can get done for America's future and, by extension, that of the world at large. Politics is not a profession for saints.
Ask the likes of Clinton, Obama and the Bidens.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 24th Jul 2024 13:13

Thank you Graham, MC and Tim for the comments, and thanks to Manish, Greg and Larisa for the likes.

The utter gracelessness of Trump's reaction to Joe Biden's decision to pull out of the campaign tells you all you need to know about him. 'Kick the man when he's down' just about sums up the MAGA morons.
Fortunately, it's likely that Kamala Harris will make mincemeat of him. Let's hope so.

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Tim Higbee

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 23:40

Trump admires Putin and Kim Jong Un and all the insanity that belongs to their dictator regimes. He wants to be a dictator and sees himself as an equal in their narcissism. He is equally infatuated with fascism and Adolf Hitler. As in true dictator fashion he bolstered the turmoil and unrest that has encouraged the hatred and violence being displayed. He has made promises if reelected to go after everyone who disagrees with his fantasies of total power. He does not feel he needs NATO or allies who do not pull their weight according to his views. The future does not look well, time will tell.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 16:25

I don't want to be too much of a realist but Trump had enough
leadership to beard the North Korean dictator in his own den
which didn't do peace any harm. He also lifted Putin off his
feet in a memorable handshake during a meeting; the message
clear. The Russians above all admire forceful leaders. There is
much disquiet in the USA about Biden's true condition being kept
from the public there by his Democratic Party associates. It has
been termed the "Democratic Fraud". Now where have I heard
those words before? 😏

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 23rd Jul 2024 10:37

It better not be Trump or we are all doomed! Biden did sadly go on too long and was obviously diminished. Harris MUST come out all guns blazing to call the villain out!

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