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Teddy Bears and flowers rest upon the wall.

It’s just impossible to make any sense of it all.

I cried hard and long, I felt myself shaking.

Inside I could feel my heart was breaking.

All the details, I didn’t want to read or hear.

The headline alone brought on the first tear.

Public outrage is tangible…dangerously so.

People want answers, they won’t let this go.

Last night, I was restless, I didn't sleep well.

Was this tragedy preventable, time will tell?

Conflicting news and speculation, now I see.

Above all, I sense disbelieve, how can this be?

Today the mood is sombre…anger runs high.

People simply want to know the reason why.

(I was so shocked and heartbroken at the tragic incident in Southport yesterday. All children are beautiful and so precious, they should never to subjected to harm of any kind, what happened yesterday is beyond believe. God bless and help those people most affected by this horrendous and needless act, my heart truly goes out to them all xxxx)


◄ Brave Birds

Sorrow Not Rage ►


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Wed 31st Jul 2024 16:48

Thank you Mike for this raw sharing. Ceaseless question of Why in this cruel, cruel world of shattered human beings. The children....the heartbreak of the families...there are no words. 💜💜💜

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 31st Jul 2024 13:12

The questions will continue to come - and rightly so. Even now,
we are told the identities of the poor little dead victims and fingers are being pointed at and allegations made about those involved in the angry reactions that followed, yet nothing official
has been forthcoming about the accused....the alleged perpetrator of this vile deed. It is this sort of selectively controlled narrative
that is causing so much fury, not least when considering the
ongoing attacks reported to be happening within our once
famously peaceful and socially cohesive/harmonious society..

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