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The wet sand takes your weight

evidence of your presence

and you marvel at the perfection,

but nature is profligate and soon

the bigger waves erase your mark as if

you were never there,  a tick of time

is marked instead while you have need of rest

and rejuvenate yourself in a different bed. 





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Sat 3rd Aug 2024 20:04

Thanks Tom Hugh and Holden for your reading and support.

Graham I so pleased this ticks the box as per your comment!

Stephen yes I thought of the fossil connection, full of irony in itself that things that have no consciousness of themselves should be so preserved in contrast to my example.

I hope you find that wide open space you seek externally next week David, I have visions of you in a boat with Fingals Cave looming up.... Thanks for that lovely response which is quite a revelation in itself to me and proves the bond.

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David RL Moore

Fri 2nd Aug 2024 14:42

I shall be in The Hebrides next week Ray, I will be impressing myself upon the sand as some kind of proof of my be gracefully washed away by the power of something more meaningful and enduring than I could ever muster.

These short pieces you write are like deep meditations to me. I can almost feel them forming in your minds eye and you then being the conduit for their graceful revealing.

Keep going old timer

David X

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 2nd Aug 2024 14:26

A little gem this one, Ray. It's strange that some things are preserved for ever, like fossils, and others disappear as if they were never there.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 31st Jul 2024 19:14

If ever there was vivid proof of our fleeting tenure on this planet this is the perfect description. Nicely succinct and direct Ray. G

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