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The accidental tourist


I am of fighting age

though all I've ever done is run


They put me in this cushioned cage

and tarred me with what others done


I'm the apple of my father’s eye

though here I'm stranger fruit


They say that we should leave or die

although they say their Police don't shoot


I am a child alone and scared

though women here have sheltered me


They say it's not for them to care

that all my family died at Sea


I am a father bereft of all

though none believe my wretched tongue


They say my prayer is Jihad's call

though I care not for what they"ve done


I am a human frail and lost

marooned among a hail of hate


They say my life is worth no cost

As I beg for mercy at their gate


I am dependent upon their gift

to treat me as they will


That by some grace their hearts they'll lift

that all their ire should calm and still...


Video and Audio available at link below



◄ Of Love, Lust and Faith

A Child's Sight ►


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David RL Moore

Thu 8th Aug 2024 22:07

Just a quick revisit to thank the additional likers. I deleted my last comment and added here so as not to inflate comments. Thank you.

Thanks very much for the likes and comments on this one.

Much appreciated.

I despair of our country at present, together with some of the views of it's citizens who have been so quick to turn on the venom taps.

I can only see things becoming worse for the forseeable, and though that may not manifest solely in riots and rioting it will permiate into parts of our society.

Unfortunately recent governments have allowed the backlog of immigrants (a word I know dislike intensely) to stack up. I sometimes wonder if this was partly tactical knowing that the next election would in all probability see them out of office, leavng the processing of claimants to the incomers.

Now Labour have committed to progressing the processing of refugees which will obviously release legitimate seekers into the population, the real and percieved impact will feed the fires of hate, Labour will inherit the blame for years of tory intransigence.

Let it not be forgotten that Bliar and his reckless mob also had no sensible policy on immigration and were responsible for creating millions of displaced people by their eagerness to war.

In many ways we are reeping the whirlwind we helped to create.

We are it seems in a downward spiral.


There does seem to me some naivety within the new government in their eagerness to promise heavy custodial sentences upon convicted rioters, this when our prison population is overspilling into unsatisfactory options. It's either naivety or lies voiced to please the nations ears, we'll see.

Good effective governance is difficult

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Wed 7th Aug 2024 14:16

Once the human is on unhallowed ground often not much can save him, and it seems to a march to hell at the moment . I always think of the experiments used on putting too many animals together and watching the resultant mayhem.


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Greg Freeman

Wed 7th Aug 2024 12:49

This is a fine poem, David, and it has done my heart good to read it.

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David RL Moore

Wed 7th Aug 2024 08:17

Thanks for the comment Uilleam,

That is the intended reference, I'm grateful you recognised it.

I think we have been very close in some instances to people being killed. Certainly anyone setting fire to a building in which people are housed can only have one intention, reckless or otherwise.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 7th Aug 2024 06:47

"...though here I'm stranger fruit"

David, forgive me if I've got this completely wrong, but In the UK over the last few days, we seem to have stopped just short of much for British values?

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David RL Moore

Wed 7th Aug 2024 05:20

Thanks for the likes folks..


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