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Kursk (A provocation!)

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We feel bad about our provocation;

We didn’t mean to cause you such upset.

Of course, you are innocent and blameless;

Our troops were only sent in for a bet.


Our little strategic incursion

Was even-handed and sincerely meant.

There was no wish to violate your borders;

No malice was contained in our intent.


Wait a second, though! At provocation,

You’ve shown yourselves to be an expert hand,

So perhaps you should see how you like it

When war and chaos turns up on your land.


The adage of pots and kettles

Is far too delicious to waste.

You’ve ladelled out buckets of medicine;

Now here’s a few spoonfuls to taste.  


◄ Hiroshima

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 14th Aug 2024 15:10

Thanks, Greg. Yes, a noble if tragic history. It's slightly ironic (that word again) that Ukraine is now in there, but also very revealing, given that we are regularly told that Russia's SMO is going 'according to plan' It makes you wonder what the plan was.

Irony, John. It's so effortless the way these guys do it!

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John Coopey

Tue 13th Aug 2024 21:11

You do right to call the irony, Stephen.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 13th Aug 2024 20:41

Kursk in the second world war in 1943 was the scene of the biggest land battle in the history of warfare, according to Wikipedia, and is regarded, along with Stalingrad, as one of the turning points of the conflict. So, an interesting place for Ukraine to invade, and interesting that you write about it, Steve.

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 12th Aug 2024 10:39

Thank you Graham and David. This poem is an attempt at satire, which came to me when I saw an absurdly indignant-looking Putin expressing horror at the fact that Ukraine had the temerity to cross his border and calling it 'a provocation'. The problem is that such people are beyond satire and irony, so it may not have worked so well.

I am fully aware of awfulness and futility of war and have no wish to call for revenge. Ukraine's incursion has led to the loss of innocent lives. But the idea that someone can't understand that his decision to illegally invade another country in February 2022 might not be 'a provocation' was too good to miss, I'm afraid.

And my thanks to Nigel, Greg, Tom, Tom D, Tim, Steve, Stephen W, Aisha, Holden, K Lynn, Manish and Rob for liking this poem.

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David RL Moore

Mon 12th Aug 2024 07:14

The tit for tat of war,

Excercised by stuffed suits in Ministry's of waste.

I have experienced the desire to kill as a man in uniform..the desire to inflict harm and slit throats. A desire which has nothing to do with the purposeful objectives of Campaign's and War but one which is exploited by "The Masters of War"

Those who sit at a distance calling for cold revenge and more blood having never existed under the gun or bomb, they have me wanting to rip my own teeth out.

Precision and calculated strike is the art of war...what we see here is attrition and waste. Kill the beast, severe its head...if it wants war take it to the bed chamber of those who sleep in crisp white will soon be over.


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Graham Sherwood

Sat 10th Aug 2024 17:55

A very clever take on recent developments Stephen!
Pity they can’t hit Moscow!

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