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Low Level Raider

Low Level Raider

There flew the Nazi bomber low over a town

The front gunner shot at people he spotted

Short random bursts zipping out mostly missing

Bullets bouncing off roads houses walls

Some thudding into people quite lethally

Nobody shoots back this raider has surprise

And speed with daring to keep him safe

Plus eight guns to shoot if intercepted

The English fighters are always hungry

To nail a Hun especially one aggressive like this

The Dornier zooms here and there gunning away

Having already dropped his bombs on target

A mid-sized engineering factory making items

For the war effort which killed German troops

It was now time to expend some bullets

Do some more killing on English targets

A grandmother was a target as was a postman

The Dornier curved round and headed for home

His ammo half expanded he continued

Roaring over rooftops a hundred feet up

His nose gun and other guns spit forth death

This was only one Nazi plane what of a hundred?



low levelbomberwar planes

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