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Snake Oil Seller

The magic number is 4 explained the sup

Whose position was higher than his chair

Just add these users to pay a lower connection fee

His word roll off his tongue like oil off a duck

Does the customer know what a snake the sup is?

Already he knows what to spend the cash on

It’s his party trick adding extra users

Get 3 physical phones and 3 virtual ones

And save 20 bucks on the hook up charge

Then pay 120 a month for 4 extra phones

Which are totally not needed with 4 numbers

The business has only 2 workers not 6

This snake of a TL has already been reported

Will this result in further escalations?

The crooked sup is too powerful to flinch

Nothing scares him and he is skilled

A nice guy snake selling snake oil

How far will he fall off his chair?



forced upsellsquestionable trustmorals

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