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Scrambled thoughts to serve

Let me write something today,  
let's see what words flow,  
like rivers carving paths through stone,  
what thoughts dance in my mind’s open field,  
which sentences need to do acrobatics,  
twisting, turning, leaping into the air.  

Let’s pen down a few words,  
hoping they’ll weave a tapestry of sense,  
for I stand here, a blank canvas,  
with no blueprints,  
no maps marked in ink,  
only whispers of inspiration waiting to bloom.  

Let’s see what creativity thrives,  
for weeks have slipped by,  
like shadows in the twilight,  
my pen gathering dust,  
awaiting a miracle to stir my heart,  
to spark a fire in the cool, quiet dark.  

How do these fragments sound?  
Good? Bad? Average?  
It matters not,  
for they will find a home in my diary,  
where even the most tangled thoughts  
dare to breathe and live.  

Let’s see how long I can keep this flow,  
words must spill from heart or mind,  
creating a tapestry worth the gaze,  
or else I risk the silence,  
the unnoticed work of my worthy self,  
lost in the echo of unspoken dreams.  

What has come of this I’ve written today?  
A jumbled collection, perhaps gibberish,  
but still, I pressed on,  
completing this little piece,  
to touch the depths of my own being,  
to feel the pulse of my lowest peak.


◄ Decoding

It's never too late ►


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Sun 15th Sep 2024 11:22

Exactly Nigel. Sometimes it's miraculously done, surprising me as well 🌷

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Nigel Astell

Tue 20th Aug 2024 21:22

Magical thoughts flow out of your creative ink to draw lines on each a word found on what was once a blank page waiting to be filled✍️

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