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Fashionistas from Mars

I don’t call them scars

I prefer to see them as badges of honour

For all the times I honoured myself

In the face of my attackers


Each time I was called upon

To defy their malice

And refused to accept their lies

I won a medal, which I pinned to my heart


Every tear to the fibre of my being is stitched together with a pin bearing the name of the battle fought and won

I do not have scars; I have trophies

And awards for bravery 


I am not scarred

I am dressed in courage

From head to toe

I am the fashionista of survival


The Queen of moving on

Collecting swords from foe

To hang from the buckle of my soul

I wear experience with pride

While I stick with my own tribe


My tribe is strong and wild

Sentient beings filled with wisdom

And a willingness to guide 

They are the seamsters

Of love and dignity


Respect flows through their veins

They do not have scars

They have stars and ribbons

And colours that bleed out into the world

Creating chains of connectivity


We are not scarred

We are the ones who know

Right from wrong

We are the ones who demanded change

The phoenix rising from the ashes

Of extinguished flames


We are not scarred

We are the fashionistas

From Mars. 

Clare Kinnaird, 2024. 














◄ I Will Lie to You.

The Red (Pink) Room. ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 24th Aug 2024 09:33

You describe a positive frame of mind with this, Clare.

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Wed 21st Aug 2024 10:03

David, thanks so much for your insight. I’d like to say that was my intention; in all honesty, there is rarely any intention behind my poetry. I just write what comes to mind in the moment. Becoming obscure is not particularly relevant to me as I am merely an amateur writer with tendency to ramble before sharing with unsuspecting readers like yourself.
I appreciate your feedback very much. 🙏🏻

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David RL Moore

Wed 21st Aug 2024 09:06

I like this Clare because it speaks to me in different ways of different things.

Of Protest, Courage, Conviction, Clarity of knowing.

It seems to herald form a particular age which may be subtely referenced in the title, forgive me if I am wrong. It seems to have sprung from the late 60's and early 70's when some artists were brave enough to be different and put themselves at some risk of obscurity, specifically Bowie (I would suggest) who obviously went on to be widely appreciated and loved for his difference.

Of course, that is just how your words poked my mind and may not be your intention. Irrespective it stirred my imagination. So thank you.


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