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Kicking and Screaming

The clowns and the madmen are led away,

Kicking and screaming, kicking and screaming.

The brand-new Bentley is brought out to play,

Factory-gleaming, factory gleaming.

The streets are swept free of the dust and muck,

Spit-clean and polished, spit-clean and polished;

Around lies the city’s ardour and luck,

Smashed and abolished, smashed and abolished.


As simpering rules are stamped and applied

In terrified dreams, in terrified dreams,

Like cheap anaesthetic, fun is supplied

In glassy-eyed streams, in glassy-eyed streams.

Conclusions emerge, impurities gone,

In sanitised space, in sanitised space;

The young and ambitious all daily don

An unblemished face, an unblemished face.


◄ The President You Deserve

Business (A friendly face) ►


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 27th Aug 2024 21:34

Thank you, Uilleam. Yes, there's a disturbing, conformist future out there, or maybe it's already here!

And my thanks to Hélène, Manish, K Lynn, Trevor, Steve, Holden and Stephen for liking this one.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 26th Aug 2024 10:40

sanitised space;
unblemished face.
Watching some TV adverts puts me in mind of Third Reich perfection, Stephen!

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