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What fear is


It is deep inside

at the back of the cave

where warmth never reaches

where the lick of the flame

is extinguished

by shadow


Something invisible

guards the black hollow

where eyes lose light

like a brain

behind thin skull

its fragile brilliance cowers and coils


It waits

for the unwitting word

that carelessly encroaches

with wickedness and abandon

it protects a lost library of hope

from where things could be rescued


Hostage to itself

such thoughts are not to speak

that they might bring light

to reveal the crooked frame

which only ever recoiled

at ideas which might set it free...


Audio and video available at link below





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David RL Moore

Tue 27th Aug 2024 08:18

Thanks Uilleam for the comment and to all those who have liked.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 26th Aug 2024 10:31

We so love the prison bars which we allow some to install in our minds...they give us a perverted kind of comfort and security.

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