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Not to be or R2P,

So what's the Dilemma?

when doing right

makes economies tremor.


When "Never Again"

is reasoned away,

no matter to those

who don't have a say.


The panga and bomb

the fist and the gun,

reign over a song

too often heard sung.


The pen and the suit

the fine things of State,

the willing recruit

to The Profits of Hate.


The Corpses and Dust

left to rot and to blow,

in The Scales of the Just

like the Chaff that won't Sow.


I visited the town of Račak in Kosovo shortly after the massacre which occurred there in 1999 when Albanians were executed by Serb Police Units. This action as many others in Kosovo heavily influenced the adoption of R2P by The UN General Assembly in 2005. Since that time it has been frequently disregarded, dismissed and manipulated by Council members acting in their own self-interest.

Audio and Video available at link posted below




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David RL Moore

Sat 31st Aug 2024 07:45

Thank's Stephen,

I don't believe the Balkan conflicts are settled yet. I do believe that murderous ethnic cleansing will raise it's head again in Europe...It could be argued that in eastern parts of the Continent of Europe it already has.

My inclusion of the word "Panga" is to recognise the Countries of the African Continent in which horrors have occurred whilst international organisation dither and excuse their inaction, Rwanda and Sierra Leone being two I am personally familiar with. Not to mention the slaughter that persists in remote and border areas of The DR Congo.

Forgive me, that isn't poetry is it.

David RL Moore

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 30th Aug 2024 22:08

A fine poem inspired by an ugly conflict, David.

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David RL Moore

Fri 30th Aug 2024 13:53

Thanks for the like and the comment Uilleam.

I'm sorry it's the same old boring record...the same recycled anger, but better recycled anger than recycled don't give a toss with blinkers.

David RL Moore

"The Redundant Veteran"

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 30th Aug 2024 10:11

The prophets of hate so prevalent on social media; one in particular, who is vocal in his oposition to the UN, has a book or two to sell- "The Profits of Hate" indeed.

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