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Warmth of genuine connections

The books that fascinated me once,  

now lie like relics,  

pages turned to dust,  

their spines cracked and weary—  

no more keys to my soul,  

just ink smeared like forgotten dreams, 

words fading like memories,  

the stories now whisper in a foreign tongue.


Places that once sparked my curiosity,  

now wear a shroud of indifference,  

their landscapes dull in the lens of my mind,  

the thrill of rare discoveries lost,  

road less traveled,  

once a siren’s call,  

now a ghost town  

for the brave-hearted who dared, 

and sought the world beyond the familiar.


People who once held thrones in my heart,  

absent from these corridors,  

their laughter echoes nowhere,  

time and divine hands  

have tightly shut the doors,  

for those unworthy souls  

who crossed their thresholds,  

leaving shadows where warmth once thrived.


Yet, there are songs that weave their magic,

emotional triggers wrapping around my spirit,

lyrics dripping with meaning,

a feast for the soul,

each note a whisper,

hoping to ignite miracles

on empty nights, 

when the heart craves

the warmth of connection,

the sweet taste of remembrance,

a reminder that even in absence,

there lies a beauty

waiting to be found.


◄ It's never too late

Timeless melody ►


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Sun 15th Sep 2024 11:20

Definitely Nigel 😀

Thanks Stephen🌷

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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 28th Aug 2024 22:32

Both melancholic & uplifting, with some great lines. Love it

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Nigel Astell

Wed 28th Aug 2024 14:33

Dust the cobwebs
Silent ghost pages
Waiting to turn
Their music back on.😎

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