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Where is the Joy?

Cold pensioners applauding
A pay rise for His Majesty
Smoke outdoor cigarettes
Where their local used to be

They share their coughs with cows
Busy trampling the corpses
Of a million culled badgers
Who never were their causes

The Britpop feelgood factor’s
Now a website bound to crash
Get your tits out rock ‘n’ roll
Is waiting for your cash

Where is the joy, they ask
Of booting out the Tories
It’s just a different face
On the same old hard luck stories


◄ Doing Time For Nigel

Pickles ►


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 2nd Sep 2024 08:57

Core beliefs being....MC?
"Down with the nanny state!" whinge the party of those who can afford nannies, servants and chauffeurs.

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 1st Sep 2024 17:07

I like the detail of this poem, Steve. There's amazing deference to royals everywhere. You never know, joy may come when we least expect it!

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Steve White

Sun 1st Sep 2024 16:08

"We are witnessing the assault by the global power interests on
the concept of national self-determination, with its ongoing condescending know-best attitude that brooks no challenge to
its nanny approach."

That's some conspiracy theory.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 1st Sep 2024 14:12

We are witnessing the assault by the global power interests on
the concept of national self-determination, with its ongoing condescending know-best attitude that brooks no challenge to
its nanny approach. The parliamentary Tories betrayed not
only their own core beliefs but the trust and good faith of the
very people they were elected to represent and serve. That
betrayal (about which George Orwell would surely have found
material for a book!) seems designed to allow the same in, but
under a different name. led by Keir "I'd rather be in Davos than
Westminster" Starmer in what has been the epitome of a "transfer of like for like". Our forebears would cringe with mortification at what is being done to this old country of ours.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 31st Aug 2024 20:47

Where is the Joy?...nowhere! From frying pan to fire we've gone.
The UK's now kissed and is beholden to, both cheeks of the military industrial complex's arse.

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