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Everything’s fake, everything’s plastic

Knees, hips, even knicker elastic

Most things are virtual, and we can’t see

A doctor or nurse at the A and E

Ring 111, speak to a clone

Seventeen hours on hold on your phone


Banking’s a nightmare, interest is gone

You’ll be lucky if you earn 1% on a ton

Many profiles on the internet are fake

Be very careful if you set up a date

You never know who may turn up

It could be someone as common as muck


“If you’ve been affected” they sometimes say

When you’ve watched a soap at night or day

How can you be affected when what you’ve seen, is pure TV fantasy, just like in a dream

TV dinners, frozen curry

Very convenient if you’re in a hurry

All these things, no sense do they make

Yea, like I said, everything’s fake!


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M.C. Newberry

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 15:44

Or how making life easy for some makes life difficult for so many
others! 😐

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Rick Varden

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 12:21

Thank you so much for your kind and positive comments. Appreciated.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 10:25

I agree with much of what you say Rick.
I'd make an exception to "How can you be affected" when it comes to "live" theatre performed by our amateur dramatic societies, and of course, Professional actors. I've often had tears in my eyes during touching performances.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 09:40

You're on to something here, Rick. Everything going digital only seems to benefit some CEO at the top of the chain. Everyone else suffers, whether it is vulnerability to online fraud, or sheer bemusement and demoralisation at the online hoops we are constantly expected to jump through. Hanging on at call centres for what feels like hours, only to be sent an online form to fill in. The Post Office scandal is a prime example of this. The computer said No. But it turned out the computer was screwing everyone. And of course the recent riots only happened because of lies on social media. I exempt our wonderful Write Out Loud from all this, of course!

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