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The Spectator

Spectator, from your ivory tower you peer,

Through sneers and smears, your wishes are revealed:

That poetry penned by plebs remain concealed,

Of Daffodils, irrational is your fear!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 4th September 2024



◄ Nil Carborundum Sanguine Desperandum

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 5th Sep 2024 09:19

Thanks Stephen. Tangible snobbery and political bias posing as literary criticism.

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 5th Sep 2024 08:10

Thank you, Uilleam. It's a shame really. The Spectator used to be quite an interesting read but, like other right-of-centre publications, seems to have gone extreme and bonkers since Brexit.

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