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Nil Carborundum Sanguine Desperandum

The gobshite bullies came for me,

When I, at ten years old or so,

Was forced to admit we’d no TV,

The haunted fish-tank being despised

As nothing but a frippery,

So I couldn’t discuss Four Feather Falls,

And I had nowt to say about Sunset Strip.

When they tried to throw me over a wall,

I fought off five or six of them,

With a “bloody” this and a “bloody” that,

I elbowed here and elbowed there,

But though it was a Catholic school,

Jesus Christ wasn’t on my side,

They snitched on me to the headmaster,

“He’s been swearing Sir”, they said,

That Sir, he was a psychopath,

Ex army, was that bastard master,

Opening wide his bloody cupboard,

Like it was his pride and joy,

Ten feet tall, it bloody was,

Well-stocked with canes of different lengths,

And thicknesses one, half-inch thick,

“Have you been swearing lad?” he said,

“Yes Sir, no Sir, three bags full Sir”,

“You know that’s mocking Jesus’ blood”,

“For sinners like you, poor Jesus bled”,

“Hold out your hands now, both palms up”,

Thwack, down it came, that half inch cane,

Bamboo it was, five times each hand,

And did it hurt? It bloody-well did,

And did I cry? No, I bloody-well didn’t,

And yes, I’ve bloody-well learned my lesson,

Don’t let the bloody bastards grind you down.

Nil carborundum sanguine desperandum.

…or words to that effect!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 3rd September 2024



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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 4th Sep 2024 07:44

Thanks all for your likes, and for your comment Rick.
In truth, my experience was probably familiar to many children of my age and time, and it's not much different now- children as young as four learning their racism from their parents, etc.
Of course, mass media is now the tool of choice for many bullies and their enablers...the world of politics and of the arts being prime examples.

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Rick Varden

Tue 3rd Sep 2024 22:10

I can certainly relate to this! Oh yes. We were supposed to be ‘safe’ in school but we had the bullies and their inspirers (teachers), no good memories for me. Great piece here, Thank you

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