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England [Stop the Boots!]

…and did those boots in World War time,

Stamp around England’s pleasant land:

And were those Blackshirt fascist sods,

From Cable Street off-seen!


Never did we countenance a time,

When journalists would see th’ Old Bill!

At dawn, a-knocking on their doors,

For telling truth, with fear instilled!


We must not cease Evil to Fight,,

Nor must my pen sleep in my hand:

‘til the Dove of Peace does here alight,

‘til we’ve rebuilt dear England.





◄ Bebelplatz

Nil Carborundum Sanguine Desperandum ►


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M.C. Newberry

Thu 5th Sep 2024 13:29

U O C...the difference about "threat" remains. The "far right" are
constantly referred to in the MSM whereas their opposite
political ideology suffers comparatively little scrutiny or
attention, its activities out of sight and at work free from
either. The state of the country today is arguably the result of
the manipulation of public perception in today's 24/7 media
that has caused the social divisions that are so prominent
now. Better the devil seen than the devil unseen!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 5th Sep 2024 11:58

Thanks for the likes to Greg Freeman, Tom Doolan, Rick Varden, Steve White, Tim Higbee., and thanks for your comments, Tom and MC.

MC, a notable “mob” as you put it, was the Nazi regime whose admirers included the likes of Mosley’s BUF, the “British Union of Fascists” which were proscribed by the UK government upon the outbreak of war, as being a potential “Nazi Fifth Column”, a serious threat to the security of the United Kingdom.
That mob's admirers continue to this day to infest the UK body politic; they were then, and still are a grave threat to UK society.

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Tom Doolan

Mon 2nd Sep 2024 16:31

A nation once again 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 2nd Sep 2024 13:04

The threat to England was always perceived as "the mob" -
a force that invariably arose from a sense of injustice and/or betrayal at the hands of "the establishment". Indeed, so dangerous was its existence thought to be to the latter that the
Riot Act became law. In later historical terms, the real threat
in a much wider sense has come from the left, with the likes of
the sympathisers for the Lenin/Stalin myth of a socialist
nirvana - in reality a ruthless political ideology that thought
nothing of destroying and dismantling the hopes and dreams
of its own peoples by way of wholesale imprisonment and murder. As for England and her people, they buried Karl Marx,
didn't they? 😉

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