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Is there a Nurse in the house?

I've been lyin' in bed since half past three

Cos I've landed me self in't Infirmary 

I went and did summat daft you see 

And they're 'avin to operate on me knee


I wouldn't mind I only came in to see

Any doctor or nurse int' A and E

I ended up in a cubicle on a sort of bunk

And next to me was the obligatory drunk


She must've consumed a gallon of gin

Cos she'd fallen over

and smashed up her chin

The staff nurse tried to calm her down

But she threw a punch and knocked her t' ground


Cops were called but weren't surprised 

As the same old Biddie had nearly died

Last time she was here the Sergeant said

But added: "unfortunately this time

she's still not dead"


Now that may seem harsh but we can understand

'cos Nurses put up with this on a scale

that's grand

Trying to help 'em but getting stick

Then wiping up all those idiots sick


Anyway, as for me and my dodgy knee

I slipped and fell just after tea

It didn't help that I've always been bandy

Oh and then there was that bottle of brandy....


◄ Hey I’m Retired!

Mothers Ruin ►


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Rick Varden

Thu 5th Sep 2024 16:21

Thank you yes its certainly based on reality

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 5th Sep 2024 13:51

Droll fun with some NHS reality included. In my policing
past, I had dealings with many alcohol imbibers, some of whom
stick in the memory. One whom I shall call "Mary" (not her
real name) was an old dear (?) equipped with a walking stick
which she was not averse to using aggressively in her cups.
She could be such a pain that ambulance crews groaned when
some well-meaning passer-by called them to aid what they
saw as a poor old dear collapsed in a many times.
Calls to the A&E were almost as frequent when she got taken
there and began to get naughty with the staff. We knew without being told who it would be causing the problem.

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