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: Soliloquy :

A life had my thoughts, ephemeral and bright!

Coursing thru’ the skies, in a shimmering light.

                    And time reached out, in a glorious embrace;

                    Rushing me breathless, through empty space.

When the memories came, unbidden but true;

From the nether mind the feelings broke thru’.

                    Some moments to rejoice, some sharp agony.

                    Events of the past; fragments clinging to me!

With the healing of time, the edges less keen.

But in moments like these, the feelings again-

                    Violent and strong, keep pushing at the bind;

                    That’s put in it’s place, by the conscious mind.

Those days are gone, those times did not last-

But the feelings remain, a haunting from the past!



◄ : The Voices In My Mind :

: The Barren Tree : ►


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