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: The Barren Tree :

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It grew in the wilds, a sentinel growing tall,

A mighty yogi in presence, embracing it all!

Branches reaching out, to the skies in a plea,

Seeking for the strength - to live it's destiny!


Its ancient bark, a wrinkled, weathered hide,

Tells a tale of the time's, swiftly flowing tide.

Inexorably which has grabbed, life in a churn,

On and onwards to - the lands of no return!


Void of its leaves, no birds now nesting there.

Yet it shows an innate strength - nary a scare!

A silent spectator, to events beneath the skies.

A monument to a spirit - that simply never dies!


The sun, the rain - and the vagaries of chance,

It has weathered everything, in stoic defiance!

Resolute of purpose, an attitude that’s so rare!

It persists with it's goal, to keep on being there.



◄ : Soliloquy :


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Fri 13th Sep 2024 14:24

@Graham Sherwood @Tim Higbee Thank you very much for your kind words of appreciation! My regards! 🙏

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Tim Higbee

Fri 13th Sep 2024 14:02

I like how you've expressed that if you are only seeing a barren tree, then there is so much you are not seeing. Great poem.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 13th Sep 2024 11:49

This is a really good poem Suvendra V2 and V3 particularly!

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