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Competition closes in 14 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Bridge

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 The Bridge


 Australia says NO to violence against women

We WON’T tolerate bullying in the health force 

We will not let this be

That’s what I thought too

Until it happened to me


‘You get what you give’

A motto I’d say it’s mostly true

But sometimes people will find a way to try and make you suffer

No matter what good you do


So I tried not to take it personally

And not let cynicism  seep in

While trying to process emotions 

And somehow take it all on the chin


But the systems let me down

I clearly was not heard

They didn’t just ignore me

They kicked me to the curb


I know I’m fairly strong

And am reasonably self assured

But when I later stood on that bridge

That was sturdy and secure…


It felt like the gap between the rails and the ocean widened

And as though the foundation would give way

But when no one else looked scared

I realised I was not okay


I wanted to crawl

Instead, I looked ahead and cried

Taking wobbly shuffles slowly

To eventually get to the other side


If you speak up—for the greater good

Some people won’t want to hear it

And they will ensure there is a price you pay

I’d rather not be a martyr

But it’s in my DNA


They can do as they like

To try and burn me at the stake

I cannot control what they do

Because it’s their choice to make


But God knows I can commit to paper

God knows that I can fight

They cannot take away my voice

Because that’s my given right


◄ The Mirror You Can't Hold

It Takes One ►


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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 14th Sep 2024 09:11

Yes lots of those stories around, Uilleam. I'm glad that person got out of that workplace and that at the very least- other people know her truth.

Thank you Stephen for your kind and supportive words. Im grateful to have you in my corner. Sending best wishes to both of you. I'm I'm your corner too!

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 13th Sep 2024 14:51

A fine poem, Rasa. The imagery surrounding the bridge brings home how much you must have been affected by this. Take care of yourself and keep fighting.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 13th Sep 2024 09:41

I haven’t personally been affected by such a situation in my employment, Rasa.
I was alluding to a case in which a “senior” (in rank, and thus, one would have thought conscientious) female member of staff is alleged to have made complaints about several male colleagues, accusing them of not doing their jobs correctly. She was subsequently “blacked”...and by coincidence? the building in which they worked has recently been demolished.
I should add that from the very moment this case was first reported on, I had a gut feeling there was something extremely dodgy about the whole thing…the rest, as they say, is history.

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Rasa Kabaila

Thu 12th Sep 2024 20:02

Thanks for your comments Uilleam, I appreciate them. I'm guessing you have found yourself in some similar situations?

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 12th Sep 2024 08:33

"We WON’T tolerate bullying in the health force" they say.

In the UK, if you're a woman, don't report your boss / es for not doing their job, or you might find youself in gaol on trumped up charges...allegedly.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 11th Sep 2024 23:00

Bullying...a lot of it about...some very subtle....even when you think you're amongst friends.

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