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"It's right to target those who need it most,"
the reaver said. Her eyes flashed, black as night.
"What matter that some will give up the ghost?

Though tragic, nothing vital will be lost."
Old age these days is seen to be a blight.
Who cares about those that will miss it most?

They're all blind, or lame, or deaf as a post.
Aren't we doing them a favour? Well, quite:
what matter that they'll soon give up the ghost.

A black hole needs filling; they'll soon be toast
so it's not just fitting, it's also right
that we should target those who'll need it most...

or claim to. Let them all give up the ghost;
they're a burden, clinging on out of spite
and greed. Have you heard what some of them boast?

They spend it on caviar and fur coats!
It's a myth, this talk of pensioners' plight.
It's right to target those who need it most:
who gives a fuck if some give up the ghost?




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Martin Peacock

Tue 17th Sep 2024 15:32

He's certainly no charmer, M.C! And don't even get me started on his £76k freebies, the bog-blasted hypocrite...

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 17th Sep 2024 12:41

It's not just about the real comfort of knowing you can keep
up with heating cost, it's also about having that financial back-up
that can pay for ancillary items in pursuit of the same reassuring
aim - like a vital woolly or other object that can contribute to the
well-being of body and mind at an adverse unpredictable time of each year. It is this wider consideration that has also been
dismissed by this cruel decision. Shame and acrimony on those responsible under Starmer the Harmer! 😠

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Martin Peacock

Mon 16th Sep 2024 17:08

Thank you all so much for reading my poems.

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Martin Peacock

Mon 16th Sep 2024 06:19

It's like i always say, Uilleam: if you ever need to know what's going on, ask a poet! We're perceptive so-and-sos.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 15th Sep 2024 17:35

It's also strange that no-one's seen the consonance between Reeves/reave (or 'reive') - 'to go on a plundering raid',

I did!😇

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Martin Peacock

Sun 15th Sep 2024 17:27

Ha! Nicely, M.C. A very apposite epithet.
And yes, Uilleam, good call. Won't be long now.
Me, i'm seething at the injustice of it. Not just the deed but the timing too. Had they held off telling us until Wintertime, my boiling blood might've kept me a little warmer when i needed it most! (Hm, warmer/Starmer - i feel another poem bubbling up.)
It's also strange that no-one's seen the consonance between Reeves/reave (or 'reive') - 'to go on a plundering raid', according to Collins' English dictionary; or, in the Cambridge version, 'to get back money that you have lost or spent'; and according to, a reaver is 'a person who takes or seizes something by force, especially a pirate or robber."
Well, we can't say we weren't forewarned.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 15th Sep 2024 16:32

The latest whizzo scheme to be dreamed up by Starver's lot is a company called Soylent Enterprises...apparently, it's run on a strict code of green ethics.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 15th Sep 2024 15:19

A telling timely "take" on a grievous official decision that is in
cruel contrast to the largesse so readily and speedily dished out
to the already well-paid - and in other very questionable
directions! Its effects will be felt for a long time to come - and
NOT just by the unhappy deserving recipients.
Now is the time to understand that the
appellation MP stands for "Mugging Pensioners"!

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