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Far Beacon Sound

Storm clouds form and fall towards

the ocean spray, emitting salt to season

rocks of black and those of grey.


Glistening in partial sun, their shiny

slippery surface flatters to deceive

in a cool but strengthening autumn breeze


Howling winds are commonplace and profound

with nature having stories,

secrets and mysteries to reveal, but not conceal

about Far Beacon Sound


A place of insignificance to some

'The Sound' mixes the threat of danger

with sheer breathtaking beauty.

Azure surf crashes against its protruding

misshapen metamorphic rocks.


Those venturing into the nooks

and crannies, are put through

their paces, and feel 

the balmy winds upon their faces

Concentration is demanded to negotiate

the greasy undulations

of challenging rock formation. 


The crowning glory is the jewel like beach

with double horseshoe of glistening bleached silver

creating streams of light, shooting back towards the night.


The scenes and mysteries of The Sound

send out subtle messages all around

to those who listen or observe

to draw into a place, where reality

dream or vision embrace.


Yes reality, dreams and visions embrace

   In this place

     In this place

         In this place

            We have now found

               In Far Beacon Sound


◄ Ebb and Flow

Ode to a Toad ►


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