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Ebb and Flow

Cool ripples of grey water

    with tints of azure and jade

      flowing freely like gazelles

         gliding through arid and sterile plain

Ironic descriptor

       but one that relates

             the mystery, unpredictability

                    and power

                        of the liquid of life and death

Streams and rivers

     soothing yet cruel

          Roaring, foaming

               or static to becalm

the flotsam and jetsam

        that sneaked back

           from flooded surf

               like a thief in the night air.

Bark of tree giving way to log

       table leg or car tyre

            when in full flow

                to level it's volume

                    span and height. 

Process of a floating mass

       slowly commencing

            on mountain

                 hill or other mystery elevation 

Water teeming freely

      from its source

        like refreshing spring

            or melting snow

              or bulging lake:

                 amazing to comprehend

                     and so, to behold.

A liquid conveyor belt

    so beautiful

        that it glows and glistens

             with gold and silver like properties

                   as birds listen to its curious

                        but natural sounds.

Then gurgling and gushing down

     like volcanic lava breathing life

           to the lower order

               instead of death from ash.

Picking up speed and drawing in

    galvanising with other streams

        becoming even larger now

           and more mysterious 

Eventually this powerful mass

    with magnetic vortex finds

       natural outlet to cooling ocean

          which patiently awaits

    The cycle continues

                and continues

                    and continues


◄ Autumn through my Window

Far Beacon Sound ►


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Rick Varden

Sun 15th Sep 2024 17:18

Thank you both so much for your feedback and support.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 15th Sep 2024 11:08

Thanks Rick.
Streams and rivers
soothing yet cruel
I think we sometimes take the power of the elements for granted-a gallon of water weighs 10 pounds-a lethal force, shaping every aspect of our natural environment!

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 15th Sep 2024 08:08

Rich, powerful writing, Rick. A fine poem.

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