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My First Concert

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My first concert…I was 18 years of age.

I found myself at the foot of the stage.

Lights went low, I dashed from my seat.

And I found myself at Marc Bolan’s feet!


28th February, New Brighton Floral Hall.

I was hit by the dirty sound of a Les Paul!

T.Rex appeared…the audience roared.

Then Bolan let rip that famous E chord!


20th Century Boy, kicked off the show.

A fiery Dragon gave off a misty red glow!

The huge hits they came, one after one.

The concert ended with a superb Get It On.


Marc also played a beautiful acoustic set.

That memorable night…I will never forget.

I sailed back home to Liverpool on cloud 9.

That’s still my favourite concert of all time!

(Remebering Marc Bolan, who died 47 years ago today aged just 29 leaving behind his girlfriend and 2 year old son)


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