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Think This Through

Many pensioners will be shivering cold.
Cruelly targeted because they are old.
How will they manage on winter nights?
When the frost kicks in, as winter bites.

Old folk wrapped in extra layers to wear.
A ruthless new policy, so unjust and unfair.
Putting life’s at risk, an absolute disgrace.
A winter of misery, some people will face.

Extra blankets heaped over fragile bones.
The vulnerable unable to heat their homes.
In solitude, a pensioner feels the icy pain.
A forgotten old hero…too proud to claim.

A sneaky policy that will undoubtedly kill.
As pensioners suffer in the December chill.
MP’s who voted for this, think this through.
Every resulting death…will be down to you.


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Trevor Alexander

Fri 13th Sep 2024 12:49

As one of those pensioners, I can echo these sentiments! And although I am fortunate in that it probably won't affect me too badly, I know a number that will indeed suffer.

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Stephen Gospage

Fri 13th Sep 2024 09:21

Thanks, Mike. A proper political poem. It reminds me of the 'icy blast of competition' from the Thatcher days, most of which seemed to whistle through the living rooms of pensioners.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 12th Sep 2024 11:22

Truth is, Mike, they have thought it through, and frankly my dear, they don't give a damn.

I would find it hilarious (were the circumstances not so potentially tragic) that the current shower in power are being described as "socialists" by those hysterically grieveing the passing of the Tories, who have inflicted a greater amount of damage on British society by other means.

Anything resembling Democratic Socialism has been well and truly purged from what passes for a "Labour" party, at the behest of foreign agents.

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Tom Doolan

Wed 11th Sep 2024 17:31

Rachel Reeves claimed £4,400 in energy bills expenses before cutting Winter Fuel Payments
The Chancellor is under fire over claims of hypocrisy as her own expenses history comes to light.
By Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 11th Sep 2024 16:31

Probably one of the worst uncaring political measures of any era.
And just look who voted it through. The largesse spread
elsewhere only exacerbates the dismissive contempt in evidence.
Society that treats its old folk and its animals badly is the home of malevolent minds that have no place in our lives.

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