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Disappeared poets,

Disappeared poems,

Disappeared talents,

Disapproved of poets,

Disapproved of poems,

Disapproved of opinions,

Disapproved of words,



Fucked off in disgust?

Who cares?

Do you?



◄ Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 19th Sep 2024 05:51

Thanks all for your likes and comments.

Poets, journalists, authors, educators, whatever our status in the community, take our freedom of speech for granted at our peril.

In the Rwanda (so beloved of many UK politicians), poets and school teachers have been known to “disappear”, as evidenced by Amnesty International, and journalists are routinely murdered in the Middle East.

Here in the UK, journalists have recently been harrassed, arrested, spending a night in the slammer without access to legal aid, for the crime of asking “the wrong type of questions”.

It’s clear that despite the UK’s much vaunted “civilised values”, a hierarchy of racism exists whereby to (rightly) point an accusing finger at Putin’s Russia is officially approved of; whereas anyone speaking out against apartheid, genocide, and a routine disregard for international law in certain parts of the world is, shall we say, subtly “leaned on”.
….Orwell, anyone?

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 17th Sep 2024 10:14

I'm not sure whether this is a more general 'requiem' or a memorial to past Write Out Loud luminaries (both equally valid).

I recently posted a Discussion topic asking the 'where are they now' question. Of course WOL cannot compel its contributors to keep using the site, some seem to 'grow out' of its use/facility.

We can only hope that somewhere their poetry is still being heard.

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David RL Moore

Tue 17th Sep 2024 10:13

I care, as do those who know we are all vulnerable to being disappeared at the behest of those who do not value the freedom of all to speak.

Even the freedom of those they do not agree with or casually dislike.

Your poem is a lesson that we should not ever lose sight of

David RL Moore

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Manish Singh Rajput

Tue 17th Sep 2024 09:44

I'd very much like to agree with Stephen, disappearance of an artist is unbearable sometimes, especially the ones whom you really liked.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 17th Sep 2024 08:38

I'd like to think I do, Uilleam. The notion of 'disappeared' always sends a chill down the spine and being 'disapproved of' shouldn't be an impediment to doing anything. Keep the poets going!

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