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Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave

There’s a saying around here: “Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave,” meaning: Those who have, will have. It’s always been true, and is  moreso these days.


Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt’,

Bur if th’art cowd n’ ‘ungry, on’ gets blotto,

Tha’ll get cawed neawt bu’ feckless workshy leawts,

‘Cos “Aw’m aw reet Jack” ‘s allus bin their motto.


Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt,

On’ tough on thee uz dun’t; tha maun go beawt!


Art th’owd folks cowd int’ winter?...thi dun’t matter!

Thi caun’t get seen in A n’ E these days,

E’en so, tha maun pay fer t’ turds on’ t’ piss in t’ watter,

While shareholders’ divvys pile up o’erseas.


Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt,

On’ tough on thee uz dun’t; tha maun go beawt!


Oh aye, wi’ ve getten cash fer planes on’ bombs

Dropped on Palestinian babbie’s yeds;

Wi’ “charity” money t’settlers steal their whoams;

Oh aye, fer that, wi’ve getten cash in sheds!


Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt,

On’ tough on thee uz dun’t; tha maun go beawt!


Eeh, what a theory is yon trickle deawn!

They’re pissin’ deawn wur backs on’ caw’n it rain;

It’s tricklin’ deawn aw reet in eawr sad town,

These folk know nowt but grief on’ bloody pain.


Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt,

On’ tough on thee uz dun’t; tha maun go beawt!


It’s blood, on’ sweat, on’ poor folk sheddin’ tears;

It’s that uz trickles deawn on t‘ workin’ class,

Just like it’s bloody done fer yur on yur,

Tha’s earnt tha rest; neaw tek it under t’ grass.


Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt,

On’ tough on thee uz dun’t; tha maun go beawt!


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 14th September 2024


Those who have will have because they have clout,

But if you’re cold and hungry, and get drunk,

You’ll be called feckless workshy louts,

Because “I’m all right Jack” has always been their motto.


Yes, those who have will have, because they have clout,

And tough on you who don’t, you must go without.


Are the old folk cold in winter?...they don’t matter!

You can’t get seen in A and E these days,

But you still have to pay for the turds and shit in your water,

Whilst shareholders’ profits increase overseas.



Oh yes, we have money for planes and bombs

That are dropped on Palestinian babies’ heads;

Using charity money, the settlers steal their homes;

Oh yes, for that we have mountains of cash.



Oh what a theory is that trickle down!

They’re pissing down our backs and calling it rain;

It’s trickling down sure enough in our sad town,

These folk know nothing but grief and bloody pain.



It’s blood and sweat, and poor folk shedding tears;

That’s what’s trickling down on the working class,

Just as it’s done for year on year,

You’ve earned your rest; now take it under the grass.


Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 14th September 2024




Palestinebabiesplanesbombsshareholderstrickle down theory

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 15th Sep 2024 16:23

"...political progress"? = TORIES+RED TIES, TORIES+BLUE TIES Yer 'avin a larf MC😮

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 15th Sep 2024 16:08

Even in the harsh days of Victorian and Edwardian England, there
were philanthropists who made it their business to improve the
lives of the less fortunate and are justly remembered for their
deeds. Their kind should have died out with the political progress
in the last century but it seems they are still needed when so
many modern politicos appear to be self-serving party animals
intent on following the party and ideological lines before the care of the country and its people, even busy extending their influence
into matters of wider social concerns, including the countryside
and our personal lives within its invaluable but very vulnerable estate.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 15th Sep 2024 15:06

For the sake of anyone considering studying Lanky Twang as a second language, I have provided a translation. 😉
I would recommend the works of Edwin Waugh, the renowned Lancashire poet, as an aid; translations of key words and phrases being provided in copies of his work.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 15th Sep 2024 13:18

Thank you Tom Doolan, Stephen Gospage, Steve White, David RL Moore for the likes, and thanks for the comments.

All around me I see the debris of neighbours’ lives destroyed through the stripping out of vital life-saving services, including mental health, all for no better reason than the enrichment of politicians’ cronies who have their fingers in the tills of what were once “Public Services”.

I’ve been experimenting with different ways of using a mic, Stephen, and it might not seem important, but taking a slurp from a handy cuppa, taking a few deep breaths and relaxing, helps a great deal with the clarity of recording. I also use an effect called "Studio Reverb" in my software.

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Steve White

Sun 15th Sep 2024 09:30

Great stuff! Well said and well read.

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 15th Sep 2024 08:26

I enjoyed this, Uilleam, although it describes a sad state of affairs. You're audio reading is exceptional!

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