The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

babies (Remove filter)

Limerick [Final Solution]

He’s fine with the murder of babies,

All hail to that regime from Hades,

His morals are urinal,

His solution is final,

That’s made him as popular as rabies.

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Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave

There’s a saying around here: “Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave,” meaning: Those who have, will have. It’s always been true, and is  moreso these days.


Them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘cos thi’ve got cleawt’,

Bur if th’art cowd n’ ‘ungry, on’ gets blotto,

Tha’ll get cawed neawt bu’ feckless workshy leawts,

‘Cos “Aw’m aw reet Jack” ‘s allus bin their motto.


Aye, them uz ‘ave, will ‘ave, ‘c...

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Palestinebabiesplanesbombsshareholderstrickle down theory


So soft and new

Soft babies brewed

For months waited

Excited and anticipated


You are not mine

Yet close enough to build a shrine

Encompassing a wonder and love for you

Looking forward to meeting you two


Dinosaurs, mittens and tiny onesies await

Cute hats and warm baths you'll hate

A warmth of well wishes and love in abundance

To tuck you in and bathe in t...

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Dear Mister Stupidly of Braindead...

Dear Mister Stupidly of Braindead,

that genocide is not in my name;

starving babies to death,

your conscience won’t stain,

so I’m asking you, oh very nicely,

pretty please, will you bugger right off;

we’ll protest against murder,

we’ll protest ‘til it stops,

we’ll protest a lot further,

we’ll protest til the fucking penny has dropped,

we’ll protest a lot louder,


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Little Baby

Watching you grow 
brings joy to our eyes
You’ve got your Daddy 
to make you smile 
and your Mama 
to hold you tight 
while you sleep at night 
we'll make everything alright

First a crawl, walk, then run
O, to watch you grow is so much fun 
From your first skinned knee
a little kiss will make you believe 
we’ll be right here whenever you need

Years will pass
but this love will al...

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babiesparentsparents pridefamily

On Bodily Autonomy and Geriatric Femininity

They never ask, the old ladies.
They just hug, pinch, kiss and
Cuddle at will. Babies are theirs,
You know, and they do love them
So much. I guess it isn’t their fault,
No one ever told them they aren’t
Free to touch at will. I once told
A woman to get her hands out of
My hair, and she said no man
Had ever asked her to stop
Touching him before. As an old
Lady, I’m sure she became anothe...

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babiesbodily autonomyconsentfemininityfeminismtouching

The Almost Child

I remember exactly the spot

the place I sat

when she told me

I remember the cooling coffee


when I was told

I remember the uncertainty

in her voice

when she told me


I remember how I smiled

the joy I felt

when I first knew

my almost son

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Cultivating Life

A traffic jam that spans an entire epoch

Is followed by daily punishments of

Dreary Sisyphean meanderings,

Followed by even more traffic

In sweltering heat and sticky humidity.


With all energy drained from

Lungs, limbs, and mind,

He shuffles into his house

Seeking only relief and brief reprieve.


As he unbuttons his soaked shirt,

“Do me,” assaults his ears


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Nuclear Cradle Song

Nuclear Cradle Song


Bye, baby, bye

Cry, baby, cry

You cry so do I.

My tears have all run dry.

So cry, baby, cry


Cry, baby, cry

Bye, baby, bye

No use in asking why

Our dreams fell from the sky.

So cry, baby, cry, baby, cry.


Bye, baby, bye

Cry, baby, cry

No one to hear you cry.

No one to hear us try.

Oh, cry, baby, cry,...

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